Puppet installation from modules

A quick example of how to use Puppet to install and manage MySQL. We'll download required Puppet modules from their git repositories.

Again, everything is tried on Ubuntu (14.04).

Make sure hostname -f shows your FQDN. Then install puppet

sudo apt-get install puppet

We'll use git submodules to manage different git repositories. But first, create our own repository

mkdir puppet-mysql
cd puppet-mysql
git init

Install Puppet modules stdlib and mysql into directory modules as git submodules.

git submodule add https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib.git modules/stdlib
git submodule add https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-mysql.git modules/mysql

Now create a site.pp file in the root directory of this repository, with the following contents

node default {
    class { 'mysql::server':
        root_password => 'nova'

Now we'll apply this site.pp file to the system. As our modules directory is different from Puppet's default, we'll need to specify that while running Puppet.

sudo puppet apply site.pp --modulepath modules/

To see the action in more detail, also pass the --debug option to the above execution

And you're all set.

Now from your commandline, you can try to access mysql and it will work!

mysql -uroot -pnova

Done! Cheers!


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